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Did you know: some of the best properties sell before they are listed?

Ryan Jenkins

Often folks consider only the homes they see when searching on zillow,, and other home search sites. And while these sites are a reliable way to find property, limiting yourself only to the homes you see online limits your options. What if in your search for homes for sale in Fort Collins or other Northern Colorado cities you had access to homes that the public does not? What if your realtor was working to get you into homes before everyone else knew about them?

Every week we run advertising campaigns to homeowners in our buyer’s target areas, we tell them about our buyers and ask them if they want to sell. Many of them reach out and invite us to get the first look at their home. They are often open to selling without listing the home for sale. This process provides a better opportunity for our clients to locate the right house at the right price.  As you may know, Northern Colorado is currently experiencing a shortage of homes for sale, let us give you a distinct advantage by showing you more homes than your are currently finding online.

To qualify for this service we ask that you meet the following criteria:

  1. You are pre-qualified for a mortgage.
  2. You have completed our neighborhood identification exercise which consists of looking at the prior years sold inventory that matches your criteria and picking your top 5 homes. (We’ll email you the list)
  3. You have the ability to close on a home in 90 days.
  4. You’re willing to look at any homes we uncover within 10 days of notification.

We commit to work together in an exclusive buyer-agent relationship for as long as we are both content with the relationship. Our agreements always allow you to cancel if you are unhappy. Contact us today for more information or to get started in your home search.

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